The Modern Court Reporter
The Modern Court Reporter is a podcast aimed at court reporting students, though we hope it will be helpful for court reporters everywhere. We focus heavily on topics for those in school or recently graduated, helping with the transition into working court reporter. Episodes are released monthly and are generally Q&A style, featuring interviews with both new and seasoned court reporters, scopists, proofreaders, attorneys, and other behind-the-scenes experts. Your hosts are Darlene Williams, Head of Professional Development at Planet Depos, and Carly Wilson, Marketing Strategist. Darlene has been in the field of court reporting for over 30 years, with a background in handling complex litigation matters around the country. She has also spent the last 6 years leading professional development and quality assurance for the Planet Depos team. Carly Wilson has been working closely with court reporters, creating content ranging from tips and tricks to training manuals and webinars.
The Modern Court Reporter
Episode 15: An Interview with Paul Brophy
Planet Depos
Episode 15
Court reporters frequently access and handle sensitive information related to proceedings, which is why it’s incredibly important to make sure that your data is secure. On this episode of The Modern Court Reporter, Paul Brophy, senior IT manager at Planet Depos, shares his tips and tricks, as well as best practices, about cybersecurity for new court reporters.
Being mindful of cybersecurity doesn’t just fall on the court reporter. If you’re curious about how court reporting agencies work with court reporters, attorneys and other parties to keep information secure, check out the Planet Depos blog today.