The Modern Court Reporter

Episode 3: COVID-19 And The Impact on Court Reporting

Planet Depos, Anthony Vorndran, Kristina Tan Season 1 Episode 3

This episode of The Modern Court Reporter focuses on how COVID-19 has affected court reporters and their business, what they are doing to stay relevant during this difficult time. 

We’ll talk with Kristina Tan and Anthony Vorndran about working remotely and how they are making themselves relevant for what our new normal will bring.  Kristina will explain how she as a reporter has created her work environment to participate in Zoom depositions; and Anthony will explain his role as a monitoring technician during a Zoom deposition.  Administering the oath and exhibit marking will also be discussed, as well as any unique issues that may arise during a remote session.

To learn more about remote depositions, visit our remote depositions page.

Dan Malgran:   0:11
Hello and welcome back to The Modern Court Reporter podcast where we discuss all things court reporting. As always, I'm Dan Malgran,

Darlene Williams:   0:19
And I'm Darlene Williams.

Dan Malgran:   0:20
In today's episode, Darlene and I are pleased to be joined by Kristina Tan and Anthony Vorndran to discuss how they're handling remote depositions during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Kristina is a certified court reporter in Virginia going into her fourth year of reporting. She was one of the first graduates of Planet Institute, an exciting achievement that opened up doors to what would be an East Coast adventure. She enjoys staying up to date with technology, learning growing and evolving with the industry. Welcome, Kristina.

Kristina Tan:   0:47
Thanks, Dan. Thanks, Darlene.

Dan Malgran:   0:50
And Anthony Vorndran is the lead trainer at Planet Depos and has been with the company for almost four years. He started off as a videographer and worked his way up to lead trainer for the litigation technology team. Over the past month, he's worked with a team of people to create from scratch a whole new method to accommodate lawyers who need to continue working fully remote. Welcome, Anthony.

Anthony Vorndran:   1:10
Thanks for having me Dan and Darlene. I appreciate it.

Dan Malgran:   1:14
Darlene would you mind getting us started?

Darlene Williams:   1:16
Absolutely. So welcome to both of you. And thanks for taking a moment to join us during this historic time. We're all the advocation feast days before we get into the heart of our discussion today, would you, Kristina, please take a few minutes to give us a little history of your journey into the world of your reporting. How you got into the program where you attended your academics and maybe how your career got off the ground leading us up to today.

Kristina Tan:   1:41
So I started my journey into court reporting by attending South Coast College in California. When I was finishing up school over there, a friend had told me about Planet Institute, and I decided to apply not knowing really where the experience would take me. So what ended up happening was that I applied. I took, you know, several tests to get in, and it was basically changed my life. I have you to thank, Darlene,  because you basically just held my hand and sent me out to work as if I were a court reporter. So it's I think it's just such an amazing program in terms of getting students ready to become actual reporters because when you're in court reporting school, you're really just testing and testing and testing. But there's so much to reporting toe learn. So when it completed that program, it ultimately resulted in a cross-country move to Virginia, which was supposed to be for a year. And that was four years ago. So here I am now in lovely Richmond, Virginia. I love the area. Um, yeah, I love what I do and every day is different. And so, yeah, you never know where opportunity may take you.

Darlene Williams:   2:57
That's exactly right. And you kept an open mind toe, Whatever the possibility sore. And we are delighted to have three more years, we're still decided to have you. And how about you, Anthony? Could you give us a big background into how you lived into the world of court reporting?

Anthony Vorndran:   3:13
Yeah, absolutely. Mine is definitely pretty interesting. So after high school, I went to a trade school for television and radio broadcasting and just learned he ends it out in an ounce of camera audio equipment being in front of the camera, being behind the scenes, doing all those things. And from there, actually didn't even enter into that field. I ended up just somehow getting into management sales jobs for the next 5-6 years, and I still I had a passion still for the technology based industries. And I also wanted to find something that would help me continue to pursue my passion for sales and leadership type positions and being in the corporate environment but also finding a way Teoh use technology that makes sense. And I really didn't know. Look, I look like but my aunt she worked and still works in the legal industry in Cleveland, Ohio, for a law firm. And she, in casual conversation, mentioned to me you should look into legal videography. And I asked him, What is that? And she gave me a quick run down of how that that process works and what you would do. And next thing you know, I went to Denver to a C. L V s convention, which is certified legal video specialists, and then I started learning it on my own. I found my own mentors in Ohio, and that turned into freelancing, and I ended up discovering that there just wasn't enough freelance work for me in Ohio and for other personal reasons as well. I wanted to move to Virginia. I made my way to Virginia, found a job of planet depose. It's this crazy how things happened on next, you know, doing video, full time loving it. And next thing you know, I'm I'm training and heading that up. It's been it's been quite an interesting journey, but I owe it all that my aunt and I heard I joke around all the time, and I always thank her for, you know, helping me get into this industry. And she said, What? You did it all yourself And I appreciate her saying that however, if she wouldn't have just casually mentioned it to me at all, I don't think I would be doing any of this right now. So

Darlene Williams:   5:24
that's awesome. That's a great story. I like hearing that you're right. You never know who you're gonna kill across that's gonna influence your career path. And so you kept an open mind and look where you're at now and it's awesome. And we're delighted to have you.

Anthony Vorndran:   5:39
Thank you so much.

Darlene Williams:   5:40
Thank you both for sharing your stories with our listeners. Let's get down to the brass tacks here and talk about remote depositions A year ago, could you have imagined taking a remote? That position would become the norm into the quick fashion? I mean, had either of you have much experience with the positions? Previously? Let's start with you, Kristina.

Kristina Tan:   6:02
I want to say I have But I was actually hesitant to do it. Well, remote. I mean, it's all encompassing term, so I want to kind of take it piece by piece. So I did these jobs that are kind of hybrid setups where sometimes the attorneys would be out of state and I would be in the room with the witnesses and those there were already common jobs. And it was, I think, a stepping stone into you know what, What ultimately is what it is now, where everybody's remote. But, um, you know, keeping an open mind on that kind of work, help me learn and kind of take things slowly. So I wasn't when when everybody had to go to a video conference platforms, I wasn't unfamiliar with it. I already at that point had experienced setting it up dialling in, even though they weren't really my favorite jobs. to take because sometimes you do encounter technical issues and glitches. You know, I was at least able to slowly Segway into it. Now I will say I did, you know, really dive in there because even in the beginning of this year, I would get offers for work where I had to be the tech and I had to bring an extra laptop to the job because I had to serve both as a court reporter and also kind of the video conference person. And I was less keen on doing that work because his court reporters, we already do so much. I mean, we're taking down the jobs were marking exhibits. And in my head at that time, I'm like, And now I have one more thing to dio as if we don't really we don't have enough to do on the job. But, you know, when I saw this krone virus thing happening, I said, you know what? I'm you just do it, um and so I did. You know, you just make sure you have an extra laptop that's up to date, because sometimes especially blood, back up computers. I mean, I have. It's been months since I turn it that you know, the computer on. So you make sure that it's up to date and you make sure you give yourself set up time because you never know. You know, trouble likes to always happen right before the job. So, you know, you implement these, like, just safety nets, do a bunch of test runs and take it from there. The one thing great about working for PD is that, you know, there. So on top of technology that most of the time things are already set up, especially for remote work. Um, you know, they have attacked there that's going to work on the exhibits for you. So it just takes one less worry out. And they have a really strong on just support staff that will troubleshoot for you or will do those tests. Friends. So I really appreciate that as well. And

Darlene Williams:   8:56
What about you, Anthony? How much experience have you had with remote positions previously to COVID-19.

Anthony Vorndran:   9:03
Yeah, I actually had somewhat of a decent amount of experience doing them completely remotely. Where every single participant is in their home or in an office. A lot of the experience that I had was going to reply in a death. Those offices connecting with a PolyCom unit, which is basically a very nice, expensive way to stream video at a high capacity. So we would we would create links with Zoom for parties. Maybe, let's say that I was in Richmond, Virginia, our Planet Depos location. And we have an attorney in L. A that wanted to conduct a deposition and they would be with the witness, and maybe the court order would be be there as well. So we were coordinating setting that up, and a lot of there was a lot of similarities for what we're seeing now. Even this farce troubleshooting is making sure people know how to turn their audio feeds on turn their video feeds on. So when COVID-19 happened and we had to go to remote quickly, I think it was a little easier for me to kind of wrap my head around process and understanding what steps we need to take. Because I did have a decent chunk of experience and so did my other training colleagues. So that definitely helps set me up to succeed a little bit in that area

Darlene Williams:   10:17
And then can you explain how remote job works? Is this platform that provides video participants, or is this more like taking a telephone? 

Anthony Vorndran:   10:28
It's kind of a hybrid of both. Our preferred platform is Zoom and Zoom has many great features. Security enabling is all awesome. They do a great job with that. So we're able to get, Ah, high quality video feed. And the audio as well is, is very high quality, in my opinion. So it's definitely a hybrid. Now, just to keep in mind, everybody is gonna have a different Internet connection. Everybody's gonna have different cameras that are on their laptops or whether they have an external camera, so quality can vary. But we we are able to deliver, ah, high quality it remote in most situations, video and audio feed to participants.

Dan Malgran:   11:12
Can either of you address the situation of how the oath is administered? Typically, we've seen that the notary has to be in the presence of the witness to administer the oath. And how is that being handled in this unique situation that we find ourselves

Kristina Tan:   11:27
Well, I can only speak to Virginia, but in Virginia, there is an option to become an Edo Nery. You have to have regular notary first and then go through the application process on. And for that, you are allowed to administer the oath via video conference.

Darlene Williams:   11:48
Anthony, are you a notary as well?

Anthony Vorndran:   11:52
I am a notary, and I I recently just got my notary in Virginia. Yeah, absolutely. In along with what Kristina said. We do have stipulations as well. That counsel and the court reporter usually work together on making sure that everybody's on the same page for the deposition proceeds that the witness is not in the same room as the notary, and there is a consistent stipulation language that's working along with that. As Pristina said, State to state may have different variations on, and we're accommodating those each individual circumstance.

Dan Malgran:   12:28
And Kristina, could you describe to our listeners how you're set up for taking a remote job has changed if if it all from taking a job where all the participants appear in person?

Kristina Tan:   12:38
Sure, so my remote set up is continually evolving because I just like to optimize everything. But as of now, what I found is having to laptops works the best one um, as my zoom laptop in one as my cat software laptop. And I mean, there's I wanted to kill. Also Keep it easy. So what I dio at home and this might not work for everybody because not everybody lives like in a quiet environment where I will just play the audio Live out loud. Um, I don't have it streaming because, I mean into my computer and recording it that way because I wanted to be able to take my laptop What? My regular set up and take it to a normal job when all, you know, when things come back to normal, I didn't want toe overhaul and reengineer everything. That being said, my home office set up, you know, it is very high tech. I guess I love technology. So I do have, like, a docking station. I do that. You know, my internet is hard line, so I mean, there are I optimize things, but I actually didn't wanna just over, like, over do everything because, you know, at the end of the day, it's great to have ah, like a good remote set up. But you also want to be able to take that same computer and take a normal job.

Darlene Williams:   14:16
Do you ever see that, Anthony?  Can you tell us a little bit about the processes of how remote job works? And let's talk about the Zoom platform since it was designed for just this type of application?

Anthony Vorndran:   14:26
Yeah, absolutely. So what will happen is our tech department will create a individual private link for our clients and their clients. Whoever may be attending the witness court, order the remote technician. Everybody will be given this link and it will have a password on to enter. And once we get into that room, um, everybody has their own platform selection options to choose who they want to see. They commute their video and audio feeds. They can kind of just make their own custom, a platform for what they want to see throughout the proceeding. You have a remote technician who is on site was the planet depose employees. And what's great about this is we're not just sitting there with our computer with the audio coming through our speakers. We have an entire equipment set up that's running through. USB pours into high tech zoom, which we call a Zoom H6 Recording device. We're capturing audio and video in a high quality, so we're able to give people a good end product as well. There are many different features and zoom that you can use to accommodate and help along a deposition of hearing and arbitration wherever it may be. One of my favorite features in Zoom is it's Breakout Rooms. I mean, it's almost like you're really attending a deposition. Me as the remote tech, I can ask counsel how many breakout rooms they want. I can assign participants, and when they go into those breakout rooms, it is completely private. No one can hear. There's nothing being reported in there. I think that's a great great selling point for soon, especially running a deposition. Absolutely. Yeah, Zoom is just on a great job putting a platform together to help us adapt in this in this time to continue having depositions and legal proceedings go forward.

Darlene Williams:   16:20
That's great. And on that note, can you maybe explain to our listeners, um, clearly assumes heads of issues recently with, um, some of their free applications? Can you explain toe our listeners at the difference between at free application and the level of which planet that those utilizes. There's an application.

Anthony Vorndran:   16:43
Absolutely. One of the bigger differences with the free application is your your limited to only 40 minutes if you have more than three participants in your in your actual meeting. So you're gonna have to keep logging on and coming back off the platforms that we use, which your premium we can have unlimited time unlimited participants. We can create many, many different meeting links, and all of our zoom meeting links have multiple security options from entering a password to locking a meeting. We can lock, it's known, can come in. We can enable waiting rooms. So if somebody jumped in, let's say that we have a multi witness proceeding and witness to decides to log in a little bit early because they have the credentials. We could have them automatically going to waiting room so they don't just jump into the main session. Uh, so we have quite a bit of features that come into that premium platform.

Darlene Williams:   17:43
That's awesome. I like hearing about those details. It kind of leads me into my next question here, and that is that when you're monitoring these remote jobs is the technical professional. What are some of the more common issues you encounter it? Can you share with our listeners how those issues are addressed so that they'll have some guidance for handling similar situations they may encounter?

Anthony Vorndran:   18:04
Absolutely. When when our clients hire a remote technician there basically given confidence that this person is trained professional to handle most situations as far as technical audio video issues, we can help troubleshoot because we understand going into this that not everybody is spending 40 plus hours a week working in this platform, and it's new to them. They may not know how to turn on their their webcam. They may not understand how to change their audio settings in their computer to be able to hear everybody. Andi were there to walk through every step and make sure that they feel comfortable and confident that they can. You know, if we have counsel, sometimes that will ask us for demos and we'll jump on with them and show them top to bottom, how we do things and and they love it. I mean, they do trust. That weekend we can come in and help them in any situation.

Dan Malgran:   18:58
And Anthony, as is common to happen in the in-person situations. People are gonna talk over each other. They get caught up in conversational nature is there's a problem with remote setting. Do you have to intervene and remind participants that they have to speak one of the time?

Anthony Vorndran:   19:16
We're finding that at times, yes, we do have to intervene, and I know it's Kristina could probably speak to this as well. But I can say that we do have some scripted language that we're reading as the remote tech. We're asking counsel ahead of time to just speak slowly, clearly. Just do their best not to talk over one another.  This will help the stenographer not having to do that. But as Kristina can probably attest, this that's still gonna happen, and we will find an appropriate time to jump in and intervene. Obviously, we're not going to be interrupting middle question. We can read the room pretty well at this point in our careers, so I don't find this being a very common issue.

Darlene Williams:   20:00
Kristina, how much prep do you do ahead of a remote job?  Do you still get the same type of information you would receive if the job was being held in-person so that your prep for a remote job is similar to that of an in-person job?

Kristina Tan:   20:15
Yeah, I I find that I actually get the same information, if not more, because in remote Wii remote jobs attorneys have. If they have exhibits they and that they want to use during the video conference, they need to arrange that with the agency or the reporter ahead of time so that we all get copies. So there's actually a little bit more job prep on the technology side, but but also the prep side in terms of looking at the paperwork. And I think that's untended blessing because sometimes we don't even we walk into a job and we don't even have the caption. So it's nice to have that information, but also take the time to read over that information, put entries into your dictionary or, you know, really preview it, because now that everybody is kind of working from home, you know you don't know. You know what they make might be looking at because I've had, you know, two exhibits look exactly the same. So that's when you take the time to really familiarize yourself with each and every document, so that when a new attorney is referencing something, you know you're following along. Um, you know, and it makes your job and everybody's job a lot easier.

Dan Malgran:   21:31
And on that note, how are exhibits getting addressed and marked? Is the tech doing that? Is the reporter doing that?

Kristina Tan:   21:39
So the jobs I've had so far haven't had any exhibits. But if it's a PD job, my understanding is the tech handles it on hybrid jobs. What? What I've done is, you know, if I've gotten forward of exhibits ahead of time, you know, I will mark them on the site with the witness. I'm depending on the agency preference. Um, I might scan it and to send it in to production, or they might still require you to snail mail it. So there's just a variety of ways to handle exhibits right now.

Darlene Williams:   22:14
Anthony, can you explain to our listeners how you actually monitor these sessions? Are you on the same application of the participants are on and you simply listen to the proceedings or are you actually mothering some of their aspect of the process. Such as Can you see sound levels, collectivity, strengths and weaknesses? Those types of technical keep pills?

Anthony Vorndran:   22:33
Yes, a great question. Thanks for asking. Um, first, yeah, we are on the same link. A zoom remote technician is everybody else. We will introduce ourselves with our video feed on on and help coordinate just some of the introductions. Make sure. Like I said, we do the remote tech read on. We want to make sure that we introduce that we have capability to do break out rooms, waiting rooms, those types of things on we at that point, when everybody is doing introductions that when we're starting to monitor levels, how does this person's audience sound? Do we need to make any recommendations or help them make adjustments? We also want to make sure that they're framing is good. Um, we may ask them to tilt there their computer screen up or down, depending on what we need. We want everything. The look is professionals we possibly can. We're also helping make if anybody needs help adjusting a background. We have virtual backgrounds we can walk people through if absolutely necessary. We are finding A lot of people are setting up in decent areas with solid background, so there's nothing to too distracting. But once the proceeding gets going, the technicians going to turn their video feed off so no one can see them. We're finding that a lot of attorneys there, they're requesting this. If we don't do it any way, they really just want us in the background. But our technicians air constantly monitoring. They're listening. They're able to see the audio levels on our mixer so we can make those adjustments as well. And if if something happens as faras ah, technology glitch or somebody gets kicked out of the meeting, maybe their Internet connections bad were there to just help walk through those those stages and how to get them back into the meeting doesn't happen too often, but it does happen. We're living in the remote world right now, and we have to adjust on the fly. As Christina said. If it's a planet depose job and there's a stenographer, our remote technician is is responsible for marking those exhibits, digitally introducing them. So we're constantly listening to the process. Even though we may appear in the background, we are still 100% listening and making sure everything is running smoothly.

Darlene Williams:   24:47
That's right. I think it gives reporters a sense of security, knowing that if someone is monitoring this and they can continue to do what they need to do, which is right. So that's great, Thanks.

Dan Malgran:   24:59
Kristina, On a little bit of a different note, I'm seeing on social media of reporters talking about taking remote jobs in their pajamas and slippers while other reporters air talking about getting ready for work with their hair and makeup. Just as if they were leaving the house and doing this in person. Um, what are you seeing in this regard? And what are your feelings about working in this sort of less formal setting?

Kristina Tan:   25:22
I mean, it really just depends on the individual, whatever you're comfortable in. Um, personally, I still dress as if I were going to work because it just puts you in a different mindset. So that's kind of like, you know, kind of like an athlete putting, you know, putting on his uniform. I feel like that's the case, um, with reporting, because if you're for me, if I'm in my pajamas I just don't know. You know, like, I just almost don't take it seriously because I'm a little bit too comfortable. Um, and not to mention, I mean most of the video conferences while you know, some are video conferences with the video off, So it's almost like telephonic. I don't know. It just it just It's like a mental thing. It just mentally prepares you for a job, to get ready.

Darlene Williams:   26:10
Kristina, while I know the work is slow right now as attorneys are making the adjustment to this new way of taking depositions, how has your work been impacted since, say, February as far as the number of jobs you’ve had, or your backlog; and how do you keep yourself motivated to practice and produce pages?

Kristina Tan:   26:29
Yes. So because of there's a little bit more time, I do make the effort to practice, but I kind of already do that when I'm at work. So I kind of had this rule where I show up to a job an hour early, um, and get my fingers moving, and that's when I do my job. Prep my warm up so I still do that? Um, that being said, the jobs have increased. But what I try to tell people is, you know, the transcript. The pages might have decreased, but there's still a lot of work that we have to do, and they might not even be paid. But, you know, as a court reporter, there's so much back and work office work. I finally did my taxes. Eso finally had time to do that because I had, like, six months of mileage I had to catch up on. But, I mean, there are, you know, there are things we might not be pay for him, but that we've been meaning to do whether it's cleaning up your dictionary, backing backing up your files. Um, I've spent a lot of time just watching Webinars and warning because, you know, as people you know, try different zoom set ups. I mean, you kind of want to stay on top of what? You know what people are doing and not repeat the same mistakes or benefits from, you know, the cool stuff that they learn. So, um yeah, the transcripts have decreased, but that being said there still work out there and you just have to try to figure out you know how to get it. You know whether or not like it's reaching out to agencies to other reporters. But, you know, keeping a positive attitude that definitely helps, but also trying to be productive to

Dan Malgran:   28:05
Yeah, there's certainly always a backlog of stuff that can get done now that there's a lot of time to be doing it. Anthony what words of wisdom would you like to share with our listeners as we embark on what may very well become the new norm for taking depositions?

Anthony Vorndran:   28:22
It's a great question, I would say. And definitely make sure you're learning and addressing. Like to, Pristina said to the new zoom updates. Get comfortable with Zoom. You're set up digitally working remotely because this could very well become the new norm. And this is just me making somewhat of a prediction. But I've also had attorney share this information as well. You know, one, this thing is all over. Why wouldn't somebody from California fly to Washington D. C for a two hour Depp Oh, and then go back when they can just do remote. So I wouldn't be surprised if we do see this becoming smart, one of the norm in our future at once. Cove in 19 is over with. So I would say, Just just get confident in the set up, Understand? Zoom, you can. You can watch free videos on YouTube for those types of things you can reach out to Planet de Pose, and you can arrange. Ah, one on one session with one of our technical experts were here to help, but I would say Just don't don't assume that this is just temporary. That would be my words with stuff.

Dan Malgran:   29:30
And what about you, Kristina? Any words of wisdom to share?

Kristina Tan:   29:33
I have many words of wisdom. It's just kind of where it start. Um, so, Students, I know this is scary time. This is a scary time for everybody, but you actually have the advantage, believe it or not, because your you know, in a time that embraces technology. So while you have this time, you know, really take the time toe, learn it. Don't be afraid off trying things out, trying different setups out learning your software, you know, learning really good computer skills because that is where the industry is going. And that's where you want to be, because when you're up to date on the technology, you will have more work that then you really didn't really want to do. I mean, you'll have the jobs there if you continually evolve with it. But that being said, you know, you focus on things that you have control over right now because there's so many unknowns out there in the world. But what? By focusing on things that you have control over, um, your practice time, right? And in your mind set that will help keep things like in a positive set setting and then at the same time, set yourself up for success because, especially now with the economy, the weight it's going I mean, I try to think of it is every investment that you make in school is going to, you know, come back. So whether it's learning your about computers learning your machine. But that being said, also be careful because school is expensive. Court reporting can be expensive. So also, every dollar that you save now well, only also have benefit you in the future. So, yeah, just just thinks one thing at a time, and we need you out there, so come join us.

Darlene Williams:   31:23
Awesome. Thank you, Kristina. And now to the nitty-gritty of this interview – how are you utilizing this unprecedented downtime?  Are either of you movie bingers?  If so, what was the best one you’ve seen?  Are you perhaps series bingers?  If so, what series do you recommend?  Or are you foodies and experimenting with new recipes?  If so, please share your favorite!

Kristina Tan:   31:54
Um D all of the above. Just kidding. Um, yeah, actually, you know when work was crazy, I never found time to watch TV, so I've actually started. Enjoy it there. Um, it's one of those, like, I never had this luxury. So having the extra down time helps. I've also gotten into, like, let's and house planting him, trying to see if I could grow some vegetables. That's still questionable right now, but, um, basically of using the time to just explore things that I'd normally didn't have time to do. So, which which really has been great and being a foodie, Uh um, I don't really cook, though, but I've been eating a lot like everybody else. So that's kind of been for not is a foot. That's another body. Yes.

Darlene Williams:   32:48
What's your favorite delivery service?

Kristina Tan:   32:50
Oh, I haven't. Okay, so I haven't been doing delivery. I'll do pickups, but, um, yeah, I've been making some stuff on that instant pot, which I really like. It turns everybody into a cook, so I'm okay with that. How

Darlene Williams:   33:08
How about you, Anthony?

Anthony Vorndran:   33:10
Yeah, Um, I think that I'm somewhat of a show binger even prior to this, But once this covered thing happened and I had to learn all of these new remote technology training sessions, I've been very busy with work. However, I'm still finding time to make sure that I'm watching Seinfeld. That's, uh, my favorite trip of all time and all go through seasons were all watched. Maybe the office or friends and they took that off Netflix. So hopefully, uh, friends comes back to, I think, a new streaming service next next month. But that's a side topic. I want that. I felt I love it so much. I've also started working out from home. I ordered some weights from Dick's sporting goods, and I've been doing weightlifting, and I've been going on walks in my neighbourhood. There's, like nobody around, so I can just go walk, maybe like 45 minutes a night. So that's been very nice. I've gotten into a nice little group of things. A Zara's cooking. I've been making, like, lasagnas and beef stew. Um, tacos. I mean, though, it's great because you make those and they last for 34 days. So, yeah,

Darlene Williams:   34:24
So do any of you have any last words of wisdom that you'd like to share with our listeners before we wrap things up?

Kristina Tan:   34:31
No. Just stay safe and positive, and we're all in this together, guys.

Anthony Vorndran:   34:36
I would completely agree with that.

Darlene Williams:   34:39
All right, well, thank you both for taking the time to talk with us today. We appreciate the unique insights you both bring to the table. And I look forward to watching how the situation plays out moving forward.

Dan Malgran:   34:51
And that’s all the time we have for today, thank you Kristina and Anthony for joining us today! Keep up the great work out there. And thank you, listeners, for joining us today. We look forward to seeing you the next time on The Modern Court Reporter.